White Paper: Cloud-Native and Verticals’ services
5G-PPP Software Network WG White Paper: “Cloud-Native and Verticals’ services – 5G-PPP projects analysis“ September 2019: The paper analyses how 5G-PPP projects interpret Cloud-Native design patterns and identify adoption barriers. 5GENESIS is part of Software Network WG and participated to this publication.

Article: “Digital Cyprus: The need for new services and modern infrastructure”
A 5GENESIS article entitled “Digital Cyprus: The need for new services and modern infrastructure” (in Greek) overviews the developments in communications and information technology. Access the article here: https://5genesis.eu/published-articles
Paper: “Modelling Software-Defined Networks with Alloy”, Zaragoza, Spain
Paper entitled “Modelling Software-Defined Networks with Alloy” was presented at JCSD 2019, Zaragoza, Spain,19-21/6/2019.
For additional information access: https://5genesis.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Modelling-Software-Defined-Networks-with-Alloy.pdf
Video: first 5G link tests over the air at 3.5GHz, based on the RunEL 5G system
Learn about the first 5G link tests over the air at 3.5GHz based on the RunEL 5G system installed at the 5GENESIS experimental platform of Malaga: https://youtube.com/watch?v=O2GBlXzzJXc
5GENESIS experimentation methodology, Dr Harilaos Koumaras at 7th Global 5G Event
The 5GENESIS experimentation methodology, presented by Dr Harilaos Koumaras at the 7th Global 5G Event, was applied successfully during the first experimentation cycle of 5GENESIS across all five 5GENESIS platforms! Αvailable at https://bit.ly/33dvAjG