Tag Archive for: Malaga Platform
Mission Critical Services use cases showcase
The two Mission Critical Services use cases envisioned for the 5GENESIS Málaga platform are the target of this showcase, which replicated a real-life scenario in which first responders need to communicate using the MCS services integrated in the platform. The most updated versions of the MCS services (from Airbus) were used and their functionalities are demonstrated, such as MCPTT private and group calls, MCVideo calls, and MCX-DMR interoperability. The related video is online (the first half of the video targets this specific use case)
3GPP MCPTT calling over a 5G network
Nemergent R&D team, 5GENESIS partner and member of 5GENESIS Malaga platform use cases, demonstrates the integration of 3GPP MCPTT calling over a 5G network, and enabling interconnection with DMR talkgroups. This demo took place at the Nemergent booth in the Critical Communications World (CCW2021) conference and exhibition, Madrid, Spain, 3-5 November 2021. More info can be found on the related video.
Police Wireless Video use case showcase during Málaga’s “The Magna Procession”
UMA, Telefónica and Málaga Police deployed a remote mobile control center for the video surveillance of a large-scale event taking place in Málaga in October 2021, The Magna Procession. The Police Wireless Video use case of the platform was completely demonstrated in a big real-life event, including the reception in 5G UEs of video from fix police cameras in the city and also the transmission of video from 5G UEs in real-time to the control center, greatly enhancing the surveillance capabilities of the police thanks to 5G and the 5Genesis Málaga Platform. More info can be found in the related video.
Police Wireless Video and Mission Critical Services – first responders
This event served as a first demonstration to Málaga Police of the use cases integrated in the 5Genesis Málaga Platform. In it the platform validated the progress in both the video and the MCS use cases and its correct performance outside of the laboratory environment. The related video is also available.
Cross-platform Mission Critical Services Showcasing
A cross-platform experiment was showcased involving MCS services at both 5GENESIS Málaga and Athens platforms. The two platforms have been interconnected in order to deploy MCS services in each platform that will allow local teams of first responders to collaborate among each team members as well as among the different teams. The scenario demonstrated 5GENESIS facility capability to coordinate a cross-platform attended experiment with the participation of personnel in real-life environment. A related video is online available (the second half of the video targets this specific use case)
Published article: La Policía del futuro patrullará este sábado en Málaga por la procesión magna gracias al 5G
More details can be found at the article itself (in Spanish): https://www.elespanol.com/malaga/malaga-ciudad/20211028/policia-futuro-patrullara-sabado-malaga-procesion-gracias/622688584_0.html
Presentation at 5GIA-TSDSI – Webinar on 5G Trials & Pilots
TSDSI and 5G-IA jointly organized a webinar on 5G Tests & Pilots (T&P). The objective of this webinar was to enable the sharing of information, data, lessons learnt and areas for collaborative 5G Tests and Pilots. It presented examples of 5G T&Ps implemented in 5G “hot verticals”, such as smart city, smart grid, media broadcast and media production from Europe and India. It was structured as a succession of 10 minutes presentations of T&P projects in both Europe and India with two brief Q&A sessions. Prof. Pedro Merino (5GENESIS Technical Manager, University of Malaga) presented the 5GENESIS Malaga platform (including a demo video) during the 5G Smart City session of the 5GIA-TSDSI Webinar on 5G Trials & Pilots, 22 September 2021
Video: 5G for first responder teams
University of Malaga together with the Police of the Municipality of Malaga and Nemergent, all 5GENESIS partners, performed a showcasing event of 5G for first responder teams, utilizing the 5GENESIS 5G Malaga platform. More details are available at the 5GENESIS YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H6OkjX74iw
Malaga’s experimental 5G Network will be presented at the 5G Forum 2020 in Malaga (6-7 May)
Malaga’s experimental 5G Network will be presented at the 5G Forum 2020 in Malaga (6-7 May), where Prof. Pedro Merino will present the 5GENESIS Malaga platform status under the title “5GENESIS Malaga, a 5G platform open to innovation”. As per the 5G Forum article, besides the University of Malaga, 5GENESIS partners Telefonica, Nemergent, Malaga Police and Municipality of Malaga will cooperate in the deployment and testing of the 5G network. More information for the 5GENESIS presence in the event is available at: https://www.5gforum.es/en/top-5g-tests-at-the-5gforum-in-malaga/