Paper presented at IEEE PIMRC 2019 in Istanbul

5GENESIS paper entitled “Improving ultra-reliable low-latency communication in multiplexing with enhanced mobile broadband in grant-free resources” was presented at IEEE PIMRC 2019 in Istanbul. You may access the paper at

Paper: “A Coordination Framework for Experimentation in 5G Testbeds: URLLC as Use Case”

5GENESIS paper (in Spanish) “A Coordination Framework for Experimentation in 5G Testbeds: URLLC as Use Case” was presented at JITEL 2019,XIV Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática, 22-24/10/2019 in Zaragoza. Available at:

Paper: “Strategies to meet the configured repetitions in URLLC Uplink grant-free transmission”

5GENESIS paper entitled “Strategies to meet the configured repetitions in URLLC Uplink grant-free transmission” was presented at the ISWCS 2019, in 27-30/08/2019, in Oulu, Finland

White Paper: “5G Media Slice definition”

A New European Media (NEM) and Networld2020 joint White Paper entitled “5G Media Slice definition” was released in September 2019 and features 5GENESIS Project. Read more:

Paper presentation at the IEEE 5G World Forum in Dresden

Dr Valerio Frascolla (INT) presented the paper “Handover optimality in heterogeneous networks” at the 5G and IoT track of IEEE 5G World Forum in Dresden, on October 1st 2019.

White Paper: Cloud-Native and Verticals’ services

5G-PPP Software Network WG White Paper: “Cloud-Native and Verticals’ services – 5G-PPP projects analysis“ September 2019: The paper analyses how 5G-PPP projects interpret Cloud-Native design patterns and identify adoption barriers. 5GENESIS is part of Software Network WG and participated to this publication.

Paper: “Modelling Software-Defined Networks with Alloy”, Zaragoza, Spain

Paper entitled “Modelling Software-Defined Networks with Alloy” was presented at JCSD 2019, Zaragoza, Spain,19-21/6/2019.

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Paper: “Optimizing the deployment of Virtual Network Functions in 5G networks with Model Based Testing”, Saragoza, Spain

Paper entitled “Optimizing the deployment of Virtual Network Functions in 5G networks with Model Based Testing “ was presented at #JCSD 2019, Zaragoza, Spain,19-21/6/2019 #5GPPP5GENESIS#5G
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Paper: “Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications: A state of the art review” Zaragoza, Spain

Paper entitled “Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications: A state of the art review“ was presented at #JCSD 2019, Zaragoza, #Spain, 19-21/6/2019. #5GPPP 5GENESIS #technology #innovation #academia #5G #H2020 #EU #science
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Two papers by Instituto de Telecomunicacoes were accepted for publication in IEEE GlobeCom

Two @5genesis_h2020 papers by Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (IT) were accepted for publication in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GlobeCom) in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 9-13 December 2018