White Paper: Cloud-Native and Verticals’ services
5G-PPP Software Network WG White Paper: “Cloud-Native and Verticals’ services – 5G-PPP projects analysis“ September 2019: The paper analyses how 5G-PPP projects interpret Cloud-Native design patterns and identify adoption barriers. 5GENESIS is part of Software Network WG and participated to this publication.

Preparatory Review Meeting – Munich, Germary
The preparatory review meeting of 5GENESIS Project was successfully organized in the Intel-Infineon headquarters in Munich, Germany in the 5th and 6th of September 2019. In this meeting, 5GENESIS partners worked together for preparing the presentations and demos to be used at the end of the month for Year 1 project review in Brussels. During these two days, fruitful discussions, presentations, rehearsals and demos took place…getting all partners ready for the review day!
Video: Tutorial on Engagement Process of Vertical Industries
Dr. Harilaos Koumaras, Research Assistant Professor at NCSR Demokritos and Project Coordinator of 5GENESIS project, gives a tutorial on how vertical industries can be enganged with 5GENESIS for testing and validating their product and services in 5G https://youtu.be/k-Glrf4MnLs