Tag Archive for: article

Published article: El proyecto UMA detectará escenarios de riesgo en grandes multitudes durante la marcha de Magna

More details can be found here: https://diarioecija.com/malaga/el-proyecto-uma-detectara-escenarios-de-riesgo-en-grandes-multitudes-durante-la-marcha-de-magna/ (in Spanish)

Published article: La Policía del futuro patrullará este sábado en Málaga por la procesión magna gracias al 5G

More details can be found at the article itself (in Spanish): https://www.elespanol.com/malaga/malaga-ciudad/20211028/policia-futuro-patrullara-sabado-malaga-procesion-gracias/622688584_0.html

Published article + video: Control de cámaras en directo de las calles del Centro con tecnología 5G

More details can be found here: https://www.diariosur.es/semana-santa/control-camaras-directo-procesion-magna-20211030202139-nt.html (in Spanish)

Article from the official website of Municipal of Egaleo about the feasibility tests executed at 5GENESIS Athens 5G platform

An article (in Greek) was published from the official website of Municipal of Egaleo exploring the nature of feasibility tests executed at 5GENESIS Athens 5G platform (Municipal stadium of Egaleo) by ICT-19 5G!Drones project. The trials were conducted in the context of 5G!Drones Use Case 4 (connectivity during crowded events). To access the article, click on the following link: https://www.aigaleo.gr/2020/10/22/technikes-dokimes-5g-me-drones-sto-dimotiko-gipedo-aigaleo/