White paper: “On Board Procedure to 5G PPP Infrastructure Projects”
The 5G-PPP and the ICT-17 5GENESIS, 5G-EVE and 5G-VINNI projects released the white paper “On Board Procedure to 5G PPP Infrastructure Projects”. This white paper describes the basic procedures that must be followed when vertical sector oriented projects of the 5G PPP plan to use the 5G PPP infrastructure project services. For each of the infrastructure projects (5GENESIS, 5G-EVE, 5G-VINNI) this paper informs – among others – about how to interact with the infrastructure, what information is needed for running experiments, what output and how is provided, as well as what are the future plans of each infrastructure project for the longer term support of vertical applications. Read the white paper at this link: https://5genesis.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/On-Board-Procedure-to-5G-PPP-Infrastructure-Projects-1.pdf