5GENESIS collaborates with ICT-19 5G-Drones, 5G-VICTORI & 5G-HEART
5GENESIS platform collaborates with ICT-19:
- 5G-Drones (https://5g-ppp.eu/5gdrones/) (https://5gdrones.eu/),
- 5G-VICTORI (https://5g-ppp.eu/5g-victori/) and
- 5G-HEART (https://5g-ppp.eu/5g-heart/)
Innovation & exploitation activities – D7.8
Do you want to learn more about #5GENESIS Innovation and exploitation activities? Read all the details in the deliverable D7.8 which is available for downloading in our website https://5genesis.eu/deliverables/ @5GPPP@5genesis_h2020#5G

Egaleo Smart City 2020-2030 event
Dr. Anastasios Kourtis (from @NCSR_Demokritos) presented the 5GENESIS Project in the Εgaleo Smart City 2020-2030 event which was organized by the Municipality of Εgaleo and took place in the Town Hall of Εgaleo in March 18th, 2019.
4th plenary meeting – Malaga, Spain (Mar, 13-15)
The 4th plenary meeting of #5GENESIS took place in University of Malaga, Spain from the 13th to 15th March 2019. The partners met in order to evaluate progress and plan the next steps of the project!
E-WORLD Innovation Fair (4-6 Feb, Essen, Germany)
Universitat Politècnica de València (@UPV ) participated in the E-WORLD Innovation Fair (4-6 Feb, Essen, Germany) and through its booth communicated @5genesis_h2020 objectives and characteristics to industrial companies related to energy and water management services.