5GENESIS projects has been featured online at the MWC2021 website, through the 5G-PPP webpage, by providing:
- a demo video entitled “Test flights of UAVs/Drones with C2 over 5G/5GENESIS Athens Platform”, link: https://www.mwcbarcelona.com/exhibitors/products/test-flights-of-uavs-drones-with-c2-over-5g-5genesis-athens-platform
- and the project leaflet at https://gsma.force.com/mwcoem/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=00P6900002pvMVxEAM
Paper: User-Centric Radio Access Technology Selection: A Survey of Game Theory Models and Multi-Agent Learning Algorithms
G. Caso, O. Alay, G.C. Ferrante, L. De Nardis, M.-G. Di Benedetto, A. Brunstrom, “User-Centric Radio Access Technology Selection: A Survey of Game Theory Models and Multi-Agent Learning Algorithms”
IEEE Access, early access, 2021. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9448025
5G PPP, Phase 3 Projects Brochure
The third Phase of the 5G Public-Private Partnership co-financed by the European Commission under the Horizon2020 research and innovation programme fully reflects the European 5G policy based on a massive adoption of 5G network infrastructures by vertical industries…
Bernand Barani, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Connect, European Commission