Athens Platform
Athens Platform
Please send your vertical industry inquiry concerning ICT-19-2019 collaboration to Dr. Harilaos Koumaras (NCSR “Demokritos”) at the following e-mail address athens@5genesis.eu
The Athens platform will be set up across the city of Athens (NCSR Demokritos Campus – OTE Academy Campus – Egaleo Football Stadium). The testbed is going to be extended so to offer the telecommunication ecosystem an E2E experimental 5G platform, showcasing features of next generation networks, with particular focus on software network technologies (NFV/SDN) and edge computing for small cell infrastructures.
Athens.5Glink consists of three different site deployments:
The 5GENESIS Athens platform includes the following features:
Use Case 1: Big event Use case
Use Case 2: UAV Use Case – “Eye in the sky” applications
Use Case 3: Security-as-a-Service (SecaaS) at the edge
SDN/NFV-based Management and Orchestration (MANO) with supported NFV MANO platforms: OSM, OpenBaton and TeNOR, End-to-End Network Slicing with predictable performance isolation, Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) of 5G Networks, NFVI based on OpenStack (supporting VMs or Containers) and OpenDaylight, 5G (core + NR + UEs) Networks across multiple administrative network domains
The coordinating organization (NCSRD) acts as the single point of contact for the vertical user/experimenter, negotiating the terms of use/SLA as well as the compensation for the human and technical resources, which will be employed for the support of the experiment.
Vertical users can deploy their own services in the platform or can connect their remote services to the platform. The platform offers the common 5GENESIS Experimenter Interface to describe services and experiments to be executed in the platform. The platform may also expose some internal interfaces to connect vertical services and devices.
Extensions: The platform is fully modular and may be extended with further functionalities depending on the vertical requirements and needs (e.g. VNFs, edge services, 5G-NR hardware, etc.)
Projects using the platform: 5GENESIS, 5GESSENCE
Vendors/Manufacturers/Providers providing support for the platform: Eurecom, Athonet
Disclaimer: This document describes a platform to be built in the context of 5GENESIS H2020 project. The technical aspects refer to the platform as expected by the end of 2019 according to the work plan. The objective of the document is to facilitate the preparation of project proposals for the call ICT 19. This is not a contractual document, and features could be changed by 5GENESIS consortium due to incidences or to the feedback from the EC. Any interested entity may approach the platform operators and may request using the platform on a non-profit basis as part of a research and development activity. Usage of the platform is subject of a negotiated legal agreement and compensation scheme covering the associated effort and operational cost of the platform provider and contributors.